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Team Members

Ahmed Syeda

Ahmed Syeda

Founder and CEO

Entrepreneur, IT evangelist, IT practitioner, home maker, gardener and everything else.

Teisha Jackson

Teisha Jackson

Content Manager

A master of textual and visual, a magician who can liven up the canvas with her ideas.

Maira B

Maira B

Website Manager

A creative soul with a penchant for exploration and design challenges. She handles all creative activities here from design to construct everything.

Marcus Harris

Marcus Harris

Social Media Manager

The pulse creator and taker of the what is trending a very creative person who stands us out in the social media world.

Brad Grecco

Brad Grecco

Marketing Associate

A leader in the marketing and advertising division. Turns around every click to purchase a go-getter who never lets an opportunity pass by.

Ashley Amerson

Ashley Amerson

Product Manager

Another creative soul who knows what works and what doesn't. This person ideates, plans and digs to be the best to go to market assets.

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